First Name * Last Name * E-mail * Club Name * District # * (Select One)12345678 Number of Members * (Select One)10 or less11-2526-4041-6061 or more Community Size * (Select One)Small community (less than 20,000)Medium-sized community (20,000-100,000)Large community or metropolis (100,000+) Community Type * (Select One)RuralUrban Project Name * Type of Project (check all that apply) * Ticketed event (Gala, Princess Ball, Comedy Fest, Lip Sync Battle, Trivia Night etc.)Fair, CarnivalToy or Coat Drive, Hamper Program, Adopt-a-FamilyCommunity Improvement Project (ex. Tree planting, Playground or Pool Build)National Day of KINdness ideasMember RecruitmentVirtual Project/EventOther If other, please describe Was this project a fundraiser? * (Select One)NoYes Description of project Service Hours * (Select One)1-2021-5051-100100+ Did you leverage this project as a way to recruit new members? * (Select One)NoYesUnsure If you answered yes to the question above, please explain: How was this project promoted in your community? What were some challenges you faced with this project, and how could your project be improved? What was the approximate budget for this project? * (Select One)No cost (ex. KINdness project, time only)Less than $1,000$1,000-$5,000$5,000-$10,000$10,000-$15,000$15,000+ If the project was a fundraiser, what were the sources of revenue for this project? If this was a fundraiser, how much money was raised (minus expenses)? * (Select One)Not Applicable$0-$1,000$1,000-$5000$5,000-$10,000$10,000+ What were the expenses for this project? Is there anything else you would like to share that would assist another club in duplicating this project in their community?