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Comedy Night

First Name Ron
Last Name Hanishewsky
E-mail kinsmen.ronhana@sasktel.net
Club Name Kinsmen Club of Yorkton
District # 3
Number of Members 11-25
Community Size Small community (less than 20,000)
Community Type Urban
Project Name Comedy Night
Type of Project (check all that apply) Ticketed event (Gala, Princess Ball, Comedy Fest, Lip Sync Battle, Trivia Night etc.)
If other, please describe
Was this project a fundraiser? Yes
Description of project Comedy Night used to raise funds. Held in November or January. Businesses use as a Christmas party option
Service Hours 51-100
Did you leverage this project as a way to recruit new members? Yes
If you answered yes to the question above, please explain: Signage at event. Media
How was this project promoted in your community? Website, newspaper, radio ads. Social media, posters, letters to previous purchasers
What were some challenges you faced with this project, and how could your project be improved? Other groups in the community deciding to do the same type of event during the same season.
What was the approximate budget for this project? $15,000+
If the project was a fundraiser, what were the sources of revenue for this project? Ticket sales
Liquor sales
Door Prizes
If this was a fundraiser, how much money was raised (minus expenses)? $5,000-$10,000
What were the expenses for this project? Comedians
Hall Rental
Is there anything else you would like to share that would assist another club in duplicating this project in their community? Could be done on a larger or smaller scale based on venue size, entertainment costs