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Pictures with Santa

First Name Deborah
Last Name Flagg
E-mail Deborah.Flagg@cic.gc.ca
Club Name Kinette Club of Fort Erie
District # 1
Number of Members 10 or less
Community Size Medium-sized community (20,000-100,000)
Community Type Rural
Project Name Pictures with Santa
Type of Project (check all that apply) Other
If other, please describe Socially Distant Pictures with Santa
Was this project a fundraiser? No
Description of project Project was held in a town park adjacent to our local railway museum. We acquired the use of an antique sleigh and bench.

Santa was seated in the sleigh and the children were seated on the bench in front of the sleigh (approx. 8 feet away)

Children got to speak to Santa and have their picture taken. The pictures are being emailed to the parents.

A good will offering was being accepted with donations to our local food bank and Kin toy drive. All donations were optional. There was no cost for a visit and picture.

Cars were staged in the parking lot adjacent, kin members numbered them and released one family at a time to make their way over to the area of the pictures.

The family filled a form with information including email for contract tracing. Pens were disinfected with Lysol wipes between use and hand sanitizer was supplied and people were asked to utilize before completing the form. Additionally media waivers signed as well. It family form was given a unique number.

Once paperwork completed, family moved to bench, interacted with Santa. The family then posed for the picture. A whiteboard was utilized to identify each family. The corresponding number off the paperwork was written on the whiteboard and the first photo was taken with the whiteboard visible. Additional photos were taken without the whiteboard in view.

The bench was disinfected between families.

The children were given wrapped candy canes that were distributed with BAR B Q tongs.

The donations were put into 45 gallon barrels where they could sit until they could be safely sanitized and then passed on to their ultimate destination.

The photographer was a member who had a good quality digital camera.

Cost was minimal. We purchased a Santa suit for future years, purchased a token gift for our Santa and a box of Candy Canes. Several Kinettes wrapped empty boxes that were used as props alongside the sleigh.
Service Hours 51-100
Did you leverage this project as a way to recruit new members? Unsure
If you answered yes to the question above, please explain:
How was this project promoted in your community? Via social media posts and electronic community bulletin boards
What were some challenges you faced with this project, and how could your project be improved? Our only challenge was the elements, Although a nice day it was windy and the location to maximize the use of the antique train as a backdrop meant we were afforded no protection from the wind. We have already identified an area for next year that will afford a natural wind break while still allow for use of the iconic backdrop.
What was the approximate budget for this project? Less than $1,000
If the project was a fundraiser, what were the sources of revenue for this project?
If this was a fundraiser, how much money was raised (minus expenses)? Not Applicable
What were the expenses for this project? Santa Suit
Candy Canes
Pizza for vounteers
Is there anything else you would like to share that would assist another club in duplicating this project in their community? Seek partnerships that will assist both groups. We sought volunteers who were part of the Christmas Parade group. Our parade was cancelled so they were happy to help, in addition they are doing an event in place of the parade and have offered to allow us to collect toys for our toy drive and offered to advertise with their tickets about the toy drive.